
  • Postdoctoral Fellow2019

    Bio-engineering Department

    McGill University, Montreal, Canada

  • Postdoctoral Fellow2018

    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

    University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

  • Postdoctoral Fellow2017

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

    Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

  • PhD2016

    PhD - Electrical Engineering

    Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

  • MSc2010

    Master of Science - Electrical Engineering

    Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

  • BSc2007

    Bachelor of Science - Electrical Engineering

    Khaje Nasir University, Tehran, Iran

Work Experience

  • July 2019 - Now
    Data Scientist, Groupe Dynamite Inc.
  • 2023 - Now
    Montreal Section Chapter Chair for the IEEE Consumer Technology Society
  • 2023
    Publicity & Patronage chair at the 2023 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Ottawa, Canada.
  • 2022
    Executive chair at the 2022 IEEE 5G World Forum, Montreal, Canada.
  • Jan 2021- Dec 2022
  • 2021
    Executive chair at the 2021 IEEE 5G World Forum, Montreal, Canada.
  • Jan 2019- Dec 2020
    Postdoctoral Fellow

    As a postdoctoral fellow at McGill University, I was involved in a time-varying functional brain connectivity related project using artificial intelligence. More specifically, using multimodal neuroimaging data (simultaneous fMRI-EEG, MEG), I investigated the time-varying characteristics of resting-state networks over different time scales, as well as quantifying the effect of physiological fluctuations (pressure, heart rate, respiration) on fMRI-based resting-state connectivity.

  • Nov 2017- Dec 2018
    Postdoctoral Fellow

    As a postdoctoral fellow at University of Ottawa, I was involved in several projects at Biomedical Signal Processing Lab including: (i) I worked on vital sign monitoring using contactless ultra-wideband radar. More specifically, respiration and heartbeat rates of human subjects were estimated and the posture of targets were detected in a room environment using supervised learning. (ii) In an activity monitoring project, I worked on event recognition problem for home care purposes. More specifically, several algorithms were developed using time-frequency analysiss, time series analysis and deep learning approaches to build an automatic system for detetcion and prediction of fall incidents in senior houses and to assist the elderly living alone.

  • Aug 2018- Now

    Organized The 7th IEEE Research Boost: to promote industry driven research.

    Organized The 6th IEEE Research Boost: to foster collaborative research projects and networking among the industry, government and academia.

    Organized The 5th IEEE Research Boost: to bring together IEEE Members, Academics, Industry, Public Sector and Students to network and enjoy an inspiring technical presentation and discussion.

  • 2017
    Part-time Faculty, Concordia University

    Course instructor in ENCS6021-Engineering Analysis II.
    Delivered lectures to 44 graduate students at Concordia University.

  • May 2017- July 2018
    Co-Chair of IEEE Montreal Industry Relations Committee Event Planners Team

    Organized The 4th IEEE Research Boost to foster collaborative research projects and networking among the industry, government and academia, as well as to present some of the top candidates in their field of expertise.

    Organized IEEE Montreal Keynote Event: Cars of the Future, to bring together IEEE Members, Academics, Industry, Public Sector and Students to network and enjoy an inspiring technical presentation and discussion.

    Organized The 3rd IEEE Research Boost to foster collaborative research projects and networking among the industry, government and academia, as well as to present some of the top candidates in their field of expertise.

  • Jul 2016- Oct 2017
    Postdoctoral Fellow

    As a postdoctoral fellow at Intelligent Signal & Information Processing Lab , I worked on analyzing large-scale data using graph-based signal processing. This work was partnered by Ericsson Montreal with a focus on intrusion detection in cloud systems by online auditing. I also worked on graph-based reachability assessment of the cloud entities in cloud networks. Graph signal processing framework has recently emerged to extend high-dimensional data analysis to networks and irregular domains, and thus, many existing signal/image/video processing, machine learning problems can be revisited from a new graph-based perspective. In view of this, I initiated my research on graph signal processing by investigating the capability of the graph-based filtering for edge-preserving smoothing of images, and accordingly its application in image abstraction and stylization. A unified iterative filtering was developed to perform detail manipulation and fine detail boosting in parallel. In addition, an alternative filtering approach was established in the graph Fourier domain, resulting in noticeable gain in image compression and restoration. Further, I expanded the applicability of the graph signal processing framework by developing an intrusion detection method for distributed sensor networks based on statistical properties of the graph signals. The probabilistic dependence graph was further used for fault detection and localization in smart grid.

  • Sep 2012- Apr 2016
    Teacher Assistant and Lab Instructor

    As a Lab Instructor at Concordia University, I was responsible for conducting lab tutorials on DC/AC circuits, transformers and DC motor for a group of 20 students. Assisting students in using various hardware tools such as Oscilloscopes, Multimeter and Wattmeter. As a Teacher Assistant and Head TA, I was responsible for training, assisting and supervising a team of 21 teacher assistants, where I demonstrated strong leadership and organizational skills along with a solid work ethics. I coordinated TAs (21 sections), prepared material for tutorial sessions and solutions for assignments, organized midterm exam and prepared the midterm problems, and assigned and coordinated invigilators for the midterm test.

  • Sep 2011 - Apr 2016
    Research Assistant
    Concordia University

    As a research assistant in multimedia signal processing research group at the department of electrical and computer engineering, I conducted research on the processing of image and video signals with special references to their space-time-frequency representations, statistical modeling, developing various estimation and detection techniques, experimentations, and performance studies. Specifically, 1) A unified probabilistic model for the contourlet coefficients of the image signals was developed using the alpha-stable family of distributions. An important motivation for using such distribution was the non-gaussian behavior of the contourlet coefficients of images as well as an appropriate number of parameters that could be used for a better modeling performance. 2) The performance of the probabilistic model was investigated in various types of contourlet representations such as real/complex, and shift-variant/invariant. In particular, the statistics of the data samples were analyzed in terms of the transformation matrices and mathematical operations of the transform. 3) The performance of the developed model was investigated in several estimation techniques such as denoising (reducing additive white Gaussian noise), despeckling (reducing multiplicative and correlated noise), deblurring (restoration from the degradation due to point spread function), and fusion (obtain an informative signal from multi-sensed data). Estimation performances were evaluated on several data sources that include natural images and video, medical images, and remote sensing images. 4) The performance of the developed model was also studied in the case of the detection of edge and textures and the detection of watermark for copyright protection.

  • Jun-Sep 2005
    Iran Telecommunication Research Center I worked on Tunneling methods in Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).

Professional Service

  • 2023

    Associate Editor in Franklin Open Journal.


    Session Chair in IEEE Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA.


    Session Chair in IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), Windsor, Canada.


    Volunteer in organizing IEEE Signal Processing Society Winter School on Distributed Signal Processing for Cyber Physical Systems, Montreal, Canada

    Technical Reviewer

    IEEE Transactions on Image Processing

    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

    IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security

    IEEE Transactions on Signal & Information Processing over Networks

    Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology

    Transactions on Circuits & Systems II: Express Briefs

    Elsevier Signal Processing

    IET Image Processing

    Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication

    Springer Journal on Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing

    Wiley International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology

    BioMedical Engineering


    Technical Program Committee (TPC) and reviewer

    International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)

    International Conference on Current Research in Signal Processing & Communications.

    Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS)

    Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE)

    Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE)

    International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA)

    International Conference on Industrial Electronics & Applications (ISIEA)


    Volunteer in organizing Electrical and Computer Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran

Honors and Awards

  • Nov 2023
    Best Service Award, IEEE Montreal Section
  • August 2023
    Invited Talk at the Department of Engineering, Brock University, Saint Catherine, Canada.

    Subject: Radar sensor and its applications in healthcare automation

  • Feb 2021

    Subject: Pervasive Healthcare through Human-centered Sensing

  • Apr 2020
    Invited Talk at the Department of Information Technology, École de technologie supérieure, Montreal, Canada.

    Subject: Contactless Monitoring for Pervasive Healthcare

  • Mar 2020
    Invited Talk at the School of Information Technology, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

    Subject: Contactless Monitoring for Pervasive Healthcare

  • Jun 2019
  • Jan 2019
    Invited Speaker at Khaje Nasir Toosi University (KNTU), Tehran, Iran.
  • Nov 2018
    Volunteer Recognition Award, IEEE Montreal Section
  • Apr 2018
    Ranked second in the Nature and Technology category to receive an FRQNT postdoctoral fellowship
  • Apr 2017
    1st place award in IEEE Research Boost competition, ETS Uni.
  • Apr 2017
    Conference and Exposition Award, Concordia Uni.
  • Jan 2017
    Nominated for Prix d'excellence de l'Association des doyens des tudes suprieures au Qubec (ADESAQ).
  • Jan 2017
    Nominated for CAGS/UMI Distinguished Dissertation Awards.
  • Jun 2016
    Nominated for the Concordia Best Thesis Award.
  • Apr 2016
    Nominated for the Concordia Teaching Assistantship Award.
  • Apr 2016
    ReSMIQ Conference Award.
  • Dec 2015
    Conference and Exposition Award, Concordia Uni.
  • Oct 2015
    ECSGA Travel Award.
  • Jul 2015
    Concordia Accelerator Award.
  • May 2015
    IEEE ISCAS Travel Support.
  • Apr 2015
    IEEE Circuits & Systems Society (CASS) Travel Award.
  • Apr 2015
    Conference and Exposition Award, Concordia Uni.
  • Mar 2015
    1st place award at ECE-GSR paper competition, Concordia Uni.
  • Mar 2015
    Conference and Exposition Award, Concordia Uni.
  • Oct 2014
    ECSGA Travel Award.
  • Apr 2014
    Conference and Exposition Award, Concordia Uni.
  • Apr 2014
    ReSMIQ Conference Award.
  • Mar 2014
    Concordia ENCS Travel Support.
  • 2012 and 2013
    Partial tuition scholarship, Concordia Uni.

Research Summary

In Biosignals and Systems Analysis Lab at McGill University, I was involved in a time-varying functional brain connectivity related project using artificial intelligence. More specifically, using multimodal neuroimaging data (simultaneous fMRI-EEG, MEG), I investigated the time-varying characteristics of resting-state networks over different time scales, as well as quantifying the effect of physiological fluctuations (pressure, heart rate, respiration) on fMRI-based resting-state connectivity.
In Biomedical Signal Processing Lab at University of Ottawa, I worked on several projects including: (i) I worked on vital sign monitoring using contactless bistatic ultra wide-band radar. More specifically, respiration and heartbeat rates are estimated and the posture of targets are detected using supervised learning methods. (ii) In a human activity monitoring project, I worked on event detection/recognition problem for home care purposes. More specifically, fall detection algorithms are developed using deep learning approaches in order to assist the elderly.
In Intelligent Signal & Information Processing Lab at Concordia University, I worked on several projects including: (i) analyzing large-scale data using graph-based signal processing. This work was partnered by Ericsson-Montreal with a focus on intrusion detection in cloud systems by online auditing. In addition, I worked on graph-based reachability assessment of the cloud entities in cloud networks. More specifically, unsupervised intrusion detection scheme in cloud networks was developed. In addition, a supervised graph-based anomaly detection scheme was developed using the statistical modeling in cyber physical systems with embedded sensors; (ii) Two classification algorithms for motor imagery-based brain computer interface were developed. First, graph-based spatio-temporal filters were devised to efficiently identify subject-specific features from brain activity signals and translate them into device commands. Second, a CSP-based deep convolutional neural network was trained for classification of left/right hand/foot MI-BCI signals; (iii) Using graph signal processing framework, I developed iterative graph-based filtering applied in both vertex and spectral domains for image abstraction, stylization and saliency detection purposes.


  • Image Processing
  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Graph Signal Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Brain Computer Interfaces
  • Remote Sensing
  • Human Activity Recognition


M. Omair Ahmad

Professor at Concordia University

Google Scholar

M. N. S. Swamy

Professor at Concordia University

Google Scholar

Marzieh Amini

Assistant Professor at University of Carleton


Miodrag Bolic

Professor at University of Ottawa


Sreeraman Rajan

Professor at Carleton University


Georgios Mitsis

Associate Professor at McGill University


Stéphane Coulombe

Professor at École de Technologie Supérieure


Research Collaboration

I enjoy a great professional collaboration with researchers across the world. We have a very professional, friendly and enthusiastic research members in a variety of research domains or academic positions. We also welcome whoever is willing to share and promote the knowledge by joining our research group.

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Contact-less fall detection using time-frequency analysis and deep neural network

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 6842-6851, 2021.

CapsFall: Fall detection using ultra-wideband radar and capsule network

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Journal IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 55336-55343, 2019.

Fall detection using standoff radar-based sensing and deep convolutional neural network

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Journal IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 197-201, 2019.

Estimation of breathing rate with confidence interval using single channel CW radar

I. Nejadgholi, Hamidreza Sadreazami, Z. Baird, S. Rajan and M. Bolic
Journal Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2019, pp. 1-14, 2019.

Classification of Doppler radar reflections as preprocessing for breathing rate monitoring

I. Nejadgholi, Hamidreza Sadreazami, S. Rajan and M. Bolic
Journal IET Signal Processing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 21-28, 2019.

A robust image watermarking scheme using local statistical distribution in the contourlet domain

Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Amini,
Journal IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 66, no. 1, pp. 151-155, 2019.

A channel-dependent statistical watermark detector for color images

M. Amini, Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
JournalIEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 65-73, 2019.

Distributed graph-based statistical approach for intrusion detection in cyber-physical systems

Hamidreza Sadreazami, A. Asif and K. N. Plataniotis
Journal IEEE Transactions on Signals and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 137-147, 2018.

Salient region detection using feature extraction in the non-subsampled contourlet domain

M. Rezaie, Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Omair Ahmad
Journal IET Image Processing, vol. 12, no. 12, pp. 2275-2282, 2018.

Iterative graph-based filtering for image abstraction and stylization

Hamidreza Sadreazami and A. Asif
JournalIEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 251-255, 2018.

A study on image denoising in contourlet domain using alpha-stable family of distributions

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Journal Signal Processing, vol. 128, pp. 459-473, 2016.

Multiplicative watermark decoder in contourlet domain using the normal inverse Gaussian distribution

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Journal IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 196-207, 2016.

A robust multiplicative watermark detector for color images in sparse domain

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Journal IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 1159-1163, 2015.

A study of multiplicative watermark detection in the contourlet domain using alpha-stable distributions

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 4348-4360, 2014.

A robust spread spectrum based image watermarking in ridgelet domain

Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Amini
JournalAEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 66, no. 5, pp. 364–371, 2012.

Pedestrian and cyclist object detection using thermal and dash cameras in different weather conditions

A. Miller, Y. Marikar, A. Yousif, Hamidreza Sadreazami, and M. Amini
ConferenceIEEE Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pp. 1-5, 2024.

Radar based fall detection with imbalance data handling and data augmentation

Hamidreza Sadreazami, A. Khoyani, M. Amini, S. Rajan and M. Bolic
ConferenceIEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 2023.

DeepEnsemble: A novel brain wave classification in MI-BCI using ensemble of deep learners

A Mehtiyev, A Al-Najjar, Hamidreza Sadreazami and M Amini
ConferenceIEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2023.

Motor imagery brain activity recognition through data augmentation using DC-GANs and Mu-Sigma

A. Khoyani, H. Kaur, M. Amini and Hamidreza Sadreazami
ConferenceIEEE SENSORS, 2022.

Hierarchical spectral-temporal feature learning for motor task recognition in brain computer interfaces

Hamidreza Sadreazami, Y. Taheri and M. Amini
ConferenceIEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2022.

EEGCAPS: Brain activity recognition using modified common spatial patterns and capsule network

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Amini, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
ConferenceIEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2021.

Motor task learning in brain computer interfaces using time-dependent regularized common spatial patterns and residual networks

Hamidreza Sadreazami and G. D. Mitsis
Conference IEEE 18th International NEWCAS Conference, pp. 190-193, 2020.

Compressed domain contactless fall incident detection using UWB radar signals

Hamidreza Sadreazami, D. Mitra, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Conference IEEE 18th International NEWCAS Conference, pp. 90-93, 2020.

CU size decision for low complexity HEVC intra coding based on deep reinforcement learning

M. Jamali, S. Coulombe and Hamidreza Sadreazami
Conference IEEE 63rd International MWSCAS Conference, 2020.

TL-FALL: Contactless Indoor Fall Detection using Transfer Learning from a Pretrained Model

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2019.

Residual network-based supervised learning of remotely sensed fall incidents using ultra-wideband radar

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2019.

Graph-based salient object detection using backgound and foreground connectivity cues

M. Rezaie, Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Omair Ahmad
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2019.

On the use of ultra wideband radar and stacked LSTM-RNN for at home fall detection

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Bolic and S. Rajan
Conference IEEE Life Sciences Conference, pp. 255-258, 2018.

A late adaptive graph-based edge-aware filtering with iterative weight updating process

Hamidreza Sadreazami and A. Asif
Conference IEEE Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pp. 1581-1584, 2017.

Adaptive dimensionality reduction method using graph-based spectral decomposition for motor imagery-based brain-computer interface

G. Kalantar, Hamidreza Sadreazami and A. Asif
Conference IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), pp. 990-994, 2017.

Data-adaptive color image denoising and enhancement using graph-based filtering

Hamidreza Sadreazami and A. Asif
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1-4, 2017.

Image stylization using iterative graph filtering

Hamidreza Sadreazami and A. Asif
Conference IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pp. 1-4, 2017.

Patch-based salient region detection using statistical modeling in the non-subsampled contourlet domain

M. Rezaie, Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Omair Ahmad
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1-4, 2017.

Multichannel color image watermark detection utilizing vector-based hidden Markov model

M. Amini, Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1-4, 2017.

A hidden Markov model-based blind detector for multiplicative watermarking

M. Amini, Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pp. 611-614, 2017.

Ultrasound image despeckling in the contourlet domain using the Cauchy prior

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 33-36, 2016.

Color image denoising using multivariate Cauchy PDF in the contourlet domain

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pp. 1-4, 2016.

A robust quantization-based image watermarking scheme in the wavelet-based contourlet domain

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pp. 1-4, 2016.

Image denoising utilizing the scale-dependency in the contourlet domain

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 2149-2152, 2015.

Despeckling of synthetic aperture radar images in the contourlet domain using the alpha-stable distribution

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 121-124, 2015.

Optimum multiplicative watermark detector in contourlet domain using the NIG distribution

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1050-1053, 2015.

Contourlet domain image denoising based on the Bessel K-Form distribution

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pp. 1234-1237, 2015.

Contourlet domain image modeling by using the alpha-stable family of distributions

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1288-1291, 2014.

Contourlet domain image denoising using the alpha-stable distribution

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE Mid-West Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pp. 141-144, 2014.

Contourlet domain image denoising using normal inverse Gaussian distribution

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Omair Ahmad and M. N. S. Swamy
Conference IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pp. 954-957, 2014.

Highly robust image watermarking in contourlet domain using singular value decomposition

Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Amini
Conference IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), pp. 628-631, 2012.

Key parameters influence on wavelet based OFDM systems

Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Amini
Conference IET International Conference on Wireless, Mobile & Multimedia Networks (ICWMMN), pp. 173-176, 2011.

Efficient virtual terminal manner in wavelet packet based MC-CDMA system

Hamidreza Sadreazami, M. Amini and J. Afshar
ConferenceIEEE Int. Symp. on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS), pp. 1-4, 2010.

Error diffusion halftone image watermarking based on SVD-DWT technique

M. Amini, Hamidreza Sadreazami and Kh. Yaghmaie
ConferenceIEEE Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (MVIP), pp. 401-404, 2010.

Image watermarking through joint spatial segmentation and wavelet packet frequency division

M. Amini and Hamidreza Sadreazami
Conference IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), pp. 632-635, 2012.

Binary image watermarking in ridgelet domain

M. Amini and Hamidreza Sadreazami
Conference IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), pp. 1813-1816, 2010.

Dual wavelet watermarking using principal component analysis

Hamidreza Sadreazami and M. Amini
Conference IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP), pp. 1821-1824, 2010.

To study an accurate method for analysis of substrate integrated waveguide

Hamidreza Sadreazami, E. Mehrshahi and E. Abaie
Conference IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), pp. 2176-2179, 2010.

Analysis of dispersion characteristic of substrate integrated waveguide based on mode matching method

Hamidreza Sadreazami, E. Mehrshahi and R. Rezaiesarlak
ConferenceIEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (APEMC), pp. 1384-1388, 2010.

A new scheme for dual watermarking using DWT-PCA technique

M. Amini, Hamidreza Sadreazami and Kh. Yaghmaie
Conference International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications (IMAGAPP), pp. 43-46, 2010.

Course Instructor

  • Summer 2017

    ENCS 6021 - Engineering Analysis II

    Delivered 3-hour lectures on Engineering Analysis II to 45 graduate students at Concordia University.

Guest Lectures

  • Summer 2017

    ENGR 213-Applied Ordinary Differential Equations

    Delivered a 2.5-hour lecture on Applied Ordinary Differential Equations to 25 undergraduate students at Concordia University.
    Fall 2016

    ELEC 6161-Probability and Stochastic Processes

    Delivered a 2.5-hour lecture on Probability and Stochastic Processes to 20 graduate students at Concordia University.
    Fall 2014

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    Delivered a 2.5-hour lecture on Elementary Numerical Methods to 55 undergraduate students at Concordia University.

Teaching Experience as Teaching Assistant

  • Winter 2016

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    ELEC 365-Complex Variables & Partial Differential Equations

    ENGR 213-Applied Ordinary Differential Equations

    Fall 2016

    ELEC 275- Principals of Electrical Engineering

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    Summer 2015

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    ELEC 275- Principals of Electrical Engineering

    Winter 2015

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    ELEC 365-Complex Variables & Partial Differential Equations

    ENGR 213-Applied Ordinary Differential Equations

    Fall 2014

    ENGR 213-Applied Ordinary Differential Equations

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    Summer 2014

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    ELEC 264-Signals & Systems I

    Winter 2014

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    ELEC 264-Signals & Systems I

    COMP 233- Probability & Statistics for Computer Science

    Fall 2013

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    ENGR 213- Applied Ordinary Differential Equations

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    Summer 2013

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    Winter 2013

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

    COMP 361-Elementary Numerical Methods

    ELEC 365-Complex Variables & Partial Differential Equations

    Fall 2012

    ENGR 233-Applied Advance Calculus

Lab Instructor

  • Fall 2014

    ELEC 364-Signals & Systems II

    Winter 2014

    ELEC 275- Principals of Electrical Engineering

    Fall 2013

    ELEC 275- Principals of Electrical Engineering

    Fall 2013

    ELEC 364-Signals & Systems II

    Fall 2012

    ELEC 364-Signals & Systems II

Contact Me


McGill University

My office is located at the following address:

361 McConnell Engineering Building,
Bio-engineering Department
817 Sherbrooke Ave W
Montreal, QC, H3A 2A7, Canada.

Tel : +1-514-5570594

E-mail : hamidreza dot sadreazami at mail dot mcgill dot ca

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